Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Iconoculture: Framework for A TREND

What an clean, crisp definition of a trend framework --( in other words I think its cool) I find the best trend watchers stay focused on interesting work that is "useful" on the high level and meaningful deep down.

"It may not get better but its gonna get different."

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Read it in the funny papers...

I am pleased to see this article in Local News - Battle Creek Enquirer - www.battlecreekenquirer.com about the use of comic art in a school setting. Since the first time I stepped into a phone booth I learn more on the history of the medium. The fact that the modern American comic emerged during the Depression Era is very telling of our collective need for hope and personal meaning.

In Dan Pink's recent book A Whole New Mind I discovered Understanding Comic Books- by Scott McCloud and Don THE IDEA GUY insisted I look at the follow up --Reinventing Comics (thanks guys!)

It is interesting the presence of super hero movies, product references and advertising. Anyone have any thoughts on this...?

Monday, August 08, 2005

Justice For All...
I still do not have a good working definition of the word justice. I frequently hear it in the context of "social justice" or in a situation where a criminal activity is alleged and people need to be "brought to justice." Please send me your thoughts and feel free to draw inspiration from The Justice League Of America - Character Bios --compliments of Steve from UWay who may be aware of the location of the Hall of Justice --a good start

Friday, August 05, 2005

GO TO Print: In this article from The Chronicle of Philanthropy there is an excellent summary of how in the new digital/conceptual age it's not working smarter it's giving smarter. Just click on PRINT in the title to review the article.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Plays Well with Others... Mesh Pit Anyone?

A recent article from M.I.T. Technologey Review blog includes this fascinating article and dialog on "meshes" The New Commonplace - What Don't I Understand About Meshes? This is a term that will see the light of day. I see the concepts that run in tandem with cool ideas about the relationship between emerging technologies and building community.