Tuesday, November 11, 2008

BitTorrent's Bram Cohen Isn't Limited by Asperger's

BusinessWeek online did this story justice by providing good perspective and that the New World of Work requires the true disapline of creativity and the power of empathy in motion.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Be Afraid, be Very afraid...or not.

Thanks Newsweek for your Oct. 20th edition with the sunburst yellow cover and the words - The Bright Side

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sci-Fi Heroes With Supernatural Powers and Gen-Y Problems

A rather tepid review of NBC's "Heroes" from the NY Times.com The third season of this fun fantasy is getting beat up in its' third season. The review has decent highlights of character/plot interpretation unfortunately the battle of the network generation is a near miss at best.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hero's Club DreamHigh.com

This one page cool micro-funding idea is for all the non-profiteers, community change agents and professional writers/technicians who want to expand their thinking about FUNds.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Making Time to Make: The Job You Think You Have:
The cool-creative 43 Signals web-company offers a meaty article on organization of time for "create class workers" The link above is the second installment of a three part series.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Challenge of the Super-Duper Friends

The brief animated short that plays when the title gets a double click is more "is it me or is this the most bizarre election year ever?" than any slam, statement or expressional of life as a political super hero


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Why Facebook Is Even Bigger than You Think
Fast Company recently featured this article with a "look under the hood", psycho-social analysis of the innovative social networking site Facebook.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Boring Meetings Suck
Few of us can argue that this idea is valid and true. That being said please click in the title to visit BMS.com and a post that offers a treasure trove of things that don't suck.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Young Gamers Mission
I first saw this "smart" video game referenced in Fast Company Magazine. UNICEF - Voices of Youth: Explore The game is part of the UNICEF sponsored homepage for young people and the game speaks for itself.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Seven Stages of Creativity
I remember discovering that creativity or the creative process is a discipline rather than a couple of good A-HA moments followed by the flow of creation.
I like the form and content in David Ulriche's' brief overview of the stages of creativity.-- (Click red above for more)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Career Advice from a Comic Book
Daniel Pink unleashed a Conceptual Age book in his new publication "The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Book You Will Ever Need" Click on the blue title to see a review from Business Week.

I like the article because it describes the unique features of a business book( the first of its' kind) done in the Japanese comic genre Manga. The article does not quite "get it" as it asked for specific career tips rather than bask in the wisdom and symbolic interpretation that any great mythic adventure provides.

Head over to www.JohnnyBunko.com for info, suprises and a preview -- Than buy a book for a friend or colleague.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Unlocking Cool - By Jeremy Gutsche, TrendHunter.com

From: trendhunter

By methodically approaching innovation, organizations and individuals can generate ideas, stimulate creativity, and ultimately unlock cool. The UNLOCKING COOL presentation is typically delivered as a keynote speach with the slides used as a reference for the discussion.

Link: SlideShare Link

Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Blue Corn Hero History

Blue Corn Comics does a bang up job of a "Brief History of Heroes" in the article Why Write About Heroes? Agree with the ideas in the article or not -- the content and presentation are quality.

nuff said

Monday, February 18, 2008

E.Q. and All Play and No Work
Daniel Golemen is reponsible for several intresting books on the subject of Emotional Intelligence (one's ability to self-regulate the inner world of feelings to be a effective at home & while working.) The Emotional Intelligence & Emotional Competency diagram provides an in depth description of the variety and complexity the rich palette of moods that make life rich.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Future Jobs: College Grads Need Not Apply

Depending on where you read "the economy" or The Economy" is re-open for job seekers or a workers wasteland getting worse. I see both as true as we grapple with making decisions in a new era of built for speed and the vocational change artist. I appreciate the vivid depiction that Al Fin delivers in a strong tone. It is not pleasant to witness the pain & confusion that many refer to as "The Anxiety Age", though it is even worse to imagine our world without the big dose of possibility that change activates.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Do You Believe In Magic?

I do or I can say I choose to as in "Those magic moments..." song. The link above from the archives of Fast Company Magazine is a quality think-piece that reminds me of the relationship between creativity and discipline.